I was reading in my devotions and I came across this verse in Psalms 54:1 "Save me, O God, by thy name," That prompted me to ponder how many names of God there are out there. Knowing someone smarter than I might have put it on the internet I searched and found a list. Much larger than I anticipated. There are well over 700 names for God! I'm systematically writing them in my book. I have written 260 so far. I'd like to share a few of my favorites:
Merciful God - Aren't you glad God is merciful? I am. There are so many things I have done that I should have been zapped dead for, but thankfully God is merciful! He loves me and helps me overcome those things! He doesn't leave me in my messes!
Nail in a Sure Place - I don't know why this one just stuck out but I can't get it out of my head. When things are going wrong and life seems unsure, He is my nail in a sure place. A place to hang my heart, my dreams, my worries on and He will take care of them!
Shadow from the Heat - I immediately thought of Jonah, sitting up there waiting for God to destroy the country of Ninevah. He got so mad when God didn't. Then God had a tree come up to give him shade and when a worm ate it the next day, Jonah got more mad. If he had only realized that God was his shadow from the heat, how much better off he would have been. But then I thought of myself. How do I respond when things don't go the way I think they should? When things get heated up? Do I run to God and let Him be my shadow or do I get mad and pout like Jonah?
Sure Foundation - I have always loved this one. There are few things in life that are certain or are worth building your life on, but God is our Sure Foundation! He will never fail us. If we build our life on Him we will succeed!
Buckler to all those that trust in Him - Again this goes along with the Sure Foundation. If we are trusting in God, he will uphold us and protect us! He will strengthen us!
Christ in you, the hope of glory - What do you hope for? Christ in me, the hope of glory. Letting Christ work in me will bring hope of glory. It will bring glory to God!
God ready to pardon - If you have lived very long at all you realize that you make mistakes and often they are toward people. How many people do you know that are ready to pardon you or ready to forgive you? Do you live ready to pardon and forgive those who wrong you? Let's be honest, it usually takes time to process forgiveness. God doesn't need time to process the hurt and how to forgive, he is always ready to forgive!
God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ - I love this! We can always triumph! We can always have victory, if we living our lives in the presence of God. If we are letting him always work in us and through us!
He that is able to keep you from falling - I fall often. I make mistakes daily. But surrendering my life, my will, my emotions, my body, everything to God, God will help me not to fall!
He that worth miracles among us - God wants to do something miraculous! This one really resonated with me as I thought about going forward with this church plant! God wants to work a miracle among us . . . are we at a place in our life to receive it? do we even want it?
He which hath the sharp sword with two edges - REALLY think about this one . . . now what is the bible described as? sharper than any two edged sword! How cool is that?
He which is, and was, and is to come - Another name for this is I AM. I like this one! When my life is past, when this world is over, He will still be! This ought to motivate us to live like God and to live for Him!
He who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light - Praise God for this! Praise God he didn't leave us blind. He didn't leave us hopeless! I have been depressed once. A real true depression. It was while I was pregnant with my son and for a little while after he was born. I had a hard time coming out in the light. I just wanted to stay in my dark room al day. But God brought us out that darkness and into his marvelous light! He also brought us out of the darkness of sin!
I am really enjoying learning about my God through His names! Names tell us so much about a person. A few of my names are Mom, Captain Patty, Mrs. Johnson, etc. These tell you some of the things I do. My name Patricia Ruth means Noble Friend. I hope to live up to that name. But how much more do the names of God tell us? They tell us so much about our God!