Monday, September 17, 2012

Ministry Monday

I purposefully chose Mondays for this title. In the ministry, Sunday is usually your busiest day. Mondays are the day when most preachers resign. I once heard a preacher say the ministry truly is bitter sweet. But I have to say the sweet part is sooooo much sweeter than the bitter! The sweet far outweighs the bitter! I love our new ministry at Jackson Park Baptist Church. I felt like home the moment I first stepped through the door. I love the people at Jackson Park. I love playing the piano. I love planning ladies' activities. I love planning the children's church. I love making the Bible as exciting as it truly is. I LOVE seeing children at church! I love walking in our new building and seeing the people that will one day fill those halls! I love that my children love coming to church! I love having my children beg to come to church. I love doing my discipleship classes! That is probably one of my favorite parts! I loved discipleship classes at our former church and I love them now! I love going to the hospital to pray with people. I love cleaning the church - yes, even that! I absolutely positively LOVE our copier at church! So will there be bitter times to come at the Great Jackson Park Baptist Church . . . we do live in a sinful world, so yes, I think there might be. But already the sweet times are so overwhelmingly wonderful that even though there must be hard times, that grow us, that change us into what God wants us to be, I'm thankful that there are sweet times to counter that! I am so thankful for my church and church home! I love you Jackson Park Baptist Church!

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