This week I had to opportunity to go to one of the best funeral services I have ever been too. I told my husband that heaven has never felt so real and in a good way such as that one. Some funerals heaven has felt real because it is a relief but this one heaven felt real for a different reason and a very good reason.
It was said of this dear man that he was kind, hard working, never angry except once, faithful, and many other wonderful things. I think one thing that wasn’t said that should have been was that he loved God and his church. I think it could have been said and should have been said. If you saw the bible placed under his hands you could definitely tell he loved God. And what was said was that he would do anything for you. He would help build or fix things and I know that he did work around this church. So I think it is very safe to say that he loved his church.
Then someone said, I want those things to be said about me. That got me to thinking . . . and then she challenged us with the same thought I was thinking: what do I want said about me?
Do I want it said that I made the world a little better place while here? Sure. But that is temporal. I don’t want it to be said that “She made earth a better place from which to go to hell”. I want to keep my eyes on the eternal.
My life verse is Psalm 71:17, 18 O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works. Now also when I am old and greyheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come. If you go look on the platform that is what I wrote.
I also wrote something else. I wrote, “I want to return to “normal christianity” and let it begin in me.” During revival services God very clearly spoke to me about what if revival happened and it only happened to me. Would I still be revived?
Now, if you know anything about me I am a team player. I work so much better as a team. Yesterday I had a soulwinning partner and because of a opportunity she wasn’t able to come. I was slightly deflated and thought about not going. Then the Lord let Kristen go with me. I will sometimes get Amber or Elizabeth to go with me to do things for church. Sure, I could do that work for the church by myself but I work better with people. It scares me to think of me being the only one.
God did a work in my heart during revival services. Tuesday night of the revival services I told God that if He only did a revival work in one person I would be willing to be that one. And boy, it was wonderful Tuesday. Many people came forward. God didn’t just do a work in one person . . . He did it in several. Now that made my decision easy.
But many weeks have passed. Hearts have cooled. God still wants to do a work but day to day life has set in. Some have even said No to God since then. Some have placed other things before God. It has been discouraging. What now? Do I quit? Do I stop letting God have control of my life? Do I join those who have let their love for God cool?
During revival services my husband told Amie in the car something I had actually never known. He was telling her about standing before God one day and he made the statement that several people say, “Oh look at all Jesus did for me on the cross because of that I owe Him this service.” I used to believe that. Do you realize that Ephesians 2:8, 9 throws that philosophy right out the window. Romans 3:23 states that it is a GIFT! If you have to work for it afterwards it is NOT a gift! I don’t serve God because of the price Jesus paid for me. I serve God because He first loved me. Sure He demonstrated His love for me by Jesus dying on the cross but that’s not why I serve Him. Because in all practicality that would make it a work salvation.
Jesus, as a young teenage boy, had been separated from his parents. When they got back to him, in their adrenaline and fear they must have gotten onto him because He said, “I must be about my Father’s business.” In a later passage He said, “I am come to seek and to save that which is lost.” See that Jesus was concerned about the eternal. Now He used the temporal sometimes to get that work done, i.e. healing a physical ailment to show them their need of His spiritual help. I believe that this dear man used the temporal to point people to Jesus. I believe in his quiet manner he would help people and show a gentle, loving side of Jesus.
You know, I came to a realize this past week. I have gotten my focus off again. Sure VBS is important but telling people about Jesus and letting HIM do a work in their life is what is important! Sure, the Ladies’ Class is important but what is it here for? Why do it? So we can tell people about Jesus and let Him make a difference in their life! Why do I teach piano? So I can point people to Jesus and let Him do a work in their life! Why do I homeschool my children? So I can raise my children to love and serve God and teach them to point people to Jesus! Why do I clean my house? So I can have people over in a comfortable clean environment and share with them what God has done in my life and teach them that God wants to do that and more in their life!
As I walked by that casket of that dear man a thought formed in my head and took root in my heart. I decided what I want it said of me when I one day lay there, that “She loved God and she told as many people as she could how to know God personally”. I want a whole line of people who walk by and maybe with tears in their eyes but a definitely a smile upon their face, say, "I know I’m going to see her in heaven and I’m so thankful I am because she told me about Jesus!"
Sure, revival is over. But I’m thankful that He which hath begun a good work in me will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ! He’s not finished with me yet! He’s still got a long way but I know one thing! I was to take every opportunity I can to tell others about Christ!
Let’s keep the main thing the main thing, and the main thing is soulwinning. Let’s be about our Father’s business, to seek and to save that which is lost. You know, I write this and that last statement sounds as if I would rally the troops . . . I would love nothing better than to do that but I’ll tell you this, even if none of you will . . . I will. I will be faithful to God and to tell others about Him. I will be faithful to His service!
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