Monday, January 12, 2015

Crown vs. Corruption

I was recently reading my bible and came across this verse in Proverbs 12:4 "A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones." 

WOW! I just had to stop and ponder that verse. That verse hurts every wife no matter how good they are because we all can look back at times that we were corruption for our husbands instead of a crown.

Think about a crown for a minute. A crown is something that immediately identifies someone as a person of importance. It is something that gives you a social standing in this world. It is something that gives you power. It is something that belongs to those who are rich. It is given to someone of nobility. As a wife we can make that true for our husbands. We can be a crown. How? By being virtuous.

That begs the questions, what is a virtuous woman. It is someone who has strength. Strength of character and physical strength. Someone who is a hard worker. Someone who makes right choices even when it is hard.
Being virtuous also means having might. Might isn't something you are necessarily born with but through hard work and perseverance anyone can have it!
Being virtuous means having ability. To have ability you might be born with it, but you also have to develop it. I didn't have cooking ability when I was first married, but that didn't stop me from trying and learning. Now if you look at me and my husband, you realize I have pretty good cooking ability! Being a virtuous woman means you are teachable and always trying to learn and become more able.
Being a virtuous woman means you are efficient. We waste so much time. We waste time on tv, being lazy, and being unorganized. Organization is not a bad word. It is also something ANYONE can learn. I really believe that. It takes work to be organized and stay organized but being organized makes us so much more efficient! Get a meal plan, get a budget, get a schedule it will help you become more efficient.
Being virtuous means wealth. If you look at the Proverbs 31 lady, she was the epitome of a virtuous woman! She had wealth. Work hard. Find your proverbs 31 job. Maybe you can do something crafty that will make your family money. Maybe you can teach music lessons. Maybe you can clean houses or be a nanny or a babysitter. Maybe you can be a tutor. Think about your abilities and how you can make money from it! Even if you a stay at home mom find a way to bring in a little money. It will help you and your family!
Being a virtuous woman also means being powerful.

When we do and be these things that embody a virtuous woman we are a crown to our husbands. I want to be a crown. I want people to look at my husband and think what a powerful, noble person he is. I want him to have all God has for him. I don't want to be corruption.

Rottenness to his bones. That makes me shudder. To be corruption to your husband. I see so many women who have wonderful husbands but they constantly make their husbands ashamed. They put their husband to shame. Their actions and attitudes disconcert their husbands and cause them to be disappointed. I don't want to be corruption to my husband. My desire is to do him good and not evil all the days of his life! I want to be a crown . . . not corruption.

This is dedicated to my loving, wonderful husband, Joshua Johnson. I love you so much Baby! I am so blessed to be your wife. You truly have made me a better woman! Thanks for not only putting up with me, but trying to develop me! I don't deserver someone as good, wise, wonderful, loving, patient, kind, powerful, and handsome as you! I am the most blessed girl on the planet!

1 comment:

Proverbs 31 Woman said...

Very good thought and love your blog. I love reading other Christian women's blogs. Stop by mine when you get a chance