Monday, May 9, 2016

Bible Reading Plan

I like to keep things fresh in my bible reading. It helps me not to get into a rut but to always be looking for God to speak to me. I recently used another ladies journal. I loved it but it didn't have everything I would like so I made my own. I am making it available for others to use. I hope you enjoy it. You can find a pdf for Page 1 HERE and for Page 2 HERE. This way has been very meditative for me. I find myself slowing down as I write in these pages, instead of merely rushing through to get a job done. I have learned a lot about God. At first writing a prayer to God seemed weird but after just a couple of times I found I really enjoyed it. It is neat to track your prayers and see God working. It is also good to track your devotional life and see how God is speaking to you.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Why not restricting your kids tv/device time is good!

Summer time has come! Yay! We are finished early this year, that's always a nice feeling as a homeschooling mom! So what do I do now that my kids have tv and devices? They would love nothing more than to rot their brains by staying on them as much as they want . . . and that is exactly what I'm going to let that do! Yes, my kids will have as much time on their devices and watching tv as they want! For real! Have I convinced you yet? I really am that awesome of a mom to let them watch as much tv as they want. They can play and play and play on their devices. They can run the battery down, plug it in and let it charge while they watch tv and then go right back to their device. No kidding!

But wait . . . yes, there is a catch! To get this privilege there is a list of things they will have to do that will help them, will get them being creative and hopefully having more fun than they realize! This idea is not original to me I saw it on Facebook, but I made it my own and I encourage you to do that as well! Here is a link to my personalized list of rules:

We are only on day one but already my children are loving it. Instead of being a set of boring rules they have been responsible to set the timer. They have only done the required amount of time, but I'm hoping as they go through the summer they see how much fine they are having and turn off the timer and just enjoy the process! I plan on doing at least one of these with them every day!

It was neat to come into their room and see them coloring and drawing rather than being glued to a device.