Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Things I Learned This Last Week . . .

On Monday and Tuesday we had the privilege of going to a Preacher's Meeting for this part of the midwest. I learned that I have a passion for starting churches. I would love to spend the rest of my life doing just that!

I started discipleship with a dear lady in our church and I learned all over again, I don't think I'll ever get over doing discipleship and I would love to spend many hours of many days of many weeks doing JUST that! Some people want lots of babies, I want lots of spiritual babies!

On a fun note, I learned from Dr. Earl Jessup that if you add the phrase, "in the bathroom" at the end of a Chinese fortune cookie, it actually makes it worth reading! Try it, you will never go back!

At the ladies' gala I attended on Friday and Saturday I learned, get this, there are 24 hours in a day! Now We know that . . . I also learned that there are 24 hours in a child's day . . . hold on, here is where it gets good: Children WILL fill those 24 hours with . . . as their parent you have the power to control and influence that! I know it is simple, but truly I had never thought about it that much. It's kinda like saying "a child left to himself, bringeth his mother shame . . . "

I also learned that you can get going and get to your destination completely forgetting why you were trying to get where you were going. Never lose site of why you are serving the Lord: to see souls saved, lives changed, people growing in their faith, etc.

I learned a whole bunch more, but I learned small chunks of information are easier to digest, so I'll post more later!

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