Saturday, December 29, 2012

Saturdays in Hotels

I know we as a married couple need dates and I love my husband, I really do. I was looking at him in the car last night and I should have said it, but I thought, "Goodness I'm lucky. He is handsome, strong, godly, wise, and wonderful!" He could have had any girl at college I know, my roommate liked him and wanted to date him with the intent of considering him a marraige candidate and she would have been perfect for him, but instead he chose me! I don't know why, (he may have been delirious or on crack :o) but he did and now he's stuck with me. :oP. Seriously, I love him and I don't deserve him, but I'm sure glad I've got him. These past few days I have laughed with him, I have been myself, I have not had to worry about getting onto children or their emotional needs, I have been a kid at college in love with my man and find myself married to him. This has been the best gift I received this Christmas season. Husbands, Wives, whoever reads this blog, go on a date with your husband. Do an overnight thing. Trust someone to take your kids and then just enjoy your spouse. Laugh with them. Flirt with them. Kiss them long and hard. Watch tv together and get annoyed at how stupid the world is becoming. Rant and rave against idiots who don't want guns. Eat chocolate in bed together and don't care about the crumbs! Go out to eat together and look longingly in each others eyes. Find out something new about your spouse. Act like you're dating but realize you're married. ;o) Enjoy each other! Take time away from your kids. Your kids WILL survive, they may even like it and your marriage to their mommy or daddy will be better for it thus giving a great gift to your child as well! I told my husband that since my in-laws were so close I think we ought to do a all nighter a couple times a year! It has been the best time! You don't have to spend a lot of money either! Just enjoy each other! You won't regret it!

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